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Performances in schools

"Kartoshkes ensemble" offers schools performances for different classes, with the option of parents being included. The performances will combine stories from the audience, discussion and/or workshop, which consists of exercises that provide a taste of the work that, requires high levels of improvisation: listening, collaboration, creativity, insight, instant application of dealing with mistakes, etc.

From our vast experience in performances with various schools and educational personnel, and of understanding the reality of Israel, we have recognized the need to focus on human discourse. The need to create an atmosphere that contains and enables the rising of content from the world of children, parents and teachers.

In our view, the exposure of emotional and experiential content is the key to maintaining dialogue that brings change.

The performances of "Kartoshkes ensemble" provide an answer in response to these needs and set up an artistic mirror for the audience to funny, perceptive, surprising and differ from other didactic techniques used in the educational system.


Topics and content for performances in schools.

We invite you to choose a subject that occupies you at school. Here are some examples of topics we discussed during our activities: "violence", "body language", "my body is my own", "authority", "leadership and breakthrough leaders", "the other"  and more. We are able to adapt the performance in accordance to the subject that is selected.

Surrounding the selected subject we, the "Kartoshkes ensemble", will prepare by researching the needs and specific situations at that school, and compose a unique, intimate Performance that can reach each age group and each class and grade.


Advantages series of performances at schools.

The participants of the performance, both children and adults, will experience the selected subject as a unified group: they will identify with the stories told, recognize important points of thought and enjoy a shared, creative theatrical experience.

At the end of this process all the children, parents and teachers involved will be exposed to the same subject in a creative, experiential way.

In our experience, a school that takes part in such a process encourages productive discourse around the selected subject in formal classes, tutorials and so on, but moreover, because of the different artistic experience they were exposed to, this discourse continues into the home, social and personal frame way after school and the performance ends.


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