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Performances of Co-Existence and Acceptance of the Other

Since our performance is based on real stories, we are being exposed to different types of audience. Our aim is to bridge and connect people, communities and attitudes.

 Pursuing this goal, we work with different populations and often, those who are in conflict. We perform also among people from the Palestinian Authority at their places, despite being Israelis.  We are doing that because we believe in doing peace and promoting co-existence with artistic means. The method we work with, the Playback technique, is built on cooperation elements, listening and creative in-depth reflection and response.

The Playback technique is a special instrumental technique that passes these elements, in an experiential way and focuses on the human aspect. In every story that is told by a Palestinian or an Israeli, you can see his humanity – all the stories are based on the most basic feelings of humans.

In our performance we can feel the change among our audience, that result in the ability to express feelings that are associated with violence, serious fear, hate and yet unable to remember the good things, and mostly dream... to dream together of a better world, a world of peace and mutual respect.

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